Friday, May 13, 2011

Are we Done Yet?

Sharee and I were having a conversation earlier tonight and the topic of having more kids came up. Today was another one of those stressful days and the last thing I could think about was having more children. So when she mentioned the possibility I said with much conviction in my voice "We are not having any more children"!

Kenidi was in the room and interrupted the conversation and said... "It is not up to you to decide how many children you have, it is up to Jesus to decide that"! I just looked at her with no response to her comment and she then continued. "I think that you will definitely have more children, like 7 or maybe even more than that you just never know." I was very surprised that she had so much to say about the matter. Ummm I don't know that I could handle 7 kids! I can barely handle 3 for crying out loud. I love children and I really love being a mommy, but 7? Wow!

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