Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

Is my favorite Fairy Tale of all time!! I can remember as a child reading the book and dreaming of becoming like Bell. I read the book so much that I had it memorized and would recite it to anyone who would listen. So you can only imagine how excited I was to find out that Red Mountain High School was putting on the play. Kenidi and I went Friday night. She loved the play and laughed hysterically- especially when Gaston's side kick would come on. She was a little bit afraid of the Beast, but I explained to her that it all turns out good in the end. It started at 7pm and ended at 10pm, I didn't get Kenidi to bed until almost eleven but it was totally worth it. I wish we could go again, I couldn't believe how talented those High School Students were. It made me wish that I would would have taken a Drama class when I was in High School. Some of the pictures turned out a little fuzzy, I guess a fuzzy picture is better than no picture :-)

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