Thursday, November 19, 2009

Second Trimester

Today marks the first day of the last week in the first trimester..... Yipeee!!! I hope that this pregnancy goes the same as the other two did. I remember having more energy and less morning sickness starting right around this time. So far this has proven true I am keeping my fingers crossed however. Adam went up in the attic the other day and got all of my maternity clothes and garments down, I am ready to get a different variety of maternity clothes, I don't feel pretty when I am pregnant enough as it is. The last thing in need is to wear those hideous clothes. I do however feel much more comfortable now that I have garments the actually fit my mid section. I hope that we can go to the doctor soon someone from Health Wave should be contacting us soon to let us know if we can receive coverage . That's all for now;)

1 comment:

  1. I miss you cutie! Did Adam forget to tell you I called for you tonight? He said you weren't feeling well. Feel better!
